Office: 1 (808) 315-0509
Fax: 1 (866) 583-9345
Email: hanaroberts@gmail.com — Text: 808 315-0509

Hanalei Roberts, ND

Coming though her own personal journey of processed food addiction, PCOS, bipolar type 2, chronic lyme, mold, C-PTSD, and trauma she has a passion and understanding on how to navigate complex chronic disease with others. How to break free from the patterns that bind us. She is right there with you as she is walking her own road of recovery.

Kohala Wellness

55-3406 Akoni Pule HWY
Hawi, Hawaii

Office Hours:
M-Fri by appointment



Dr Roberts has 12 years experience managing primary care patients, with a focus on complex chronic disease. Areas of specific interest include: lifestyle, animal based eating, metabolic health, weight loss, strength training, peptides, GLP-1 management, metabolic psychiatry, ketogenic diets, bipolar, depression, mental health, addiction, processed food addiction, autoimmune disease, MCAS, GI conditions, hormones, chronic infections, mold, CIRS, PANS/PANDAS, mitochondrial health, circadian biology, fasting, adjunctive oncology, psychoneuroimmunology, trauma.

She offers: IV nutritional therapy (including vitamins and minerals, HDIVC, chelation, NAD, GSH, etc), ozone therapy, peptide therapy including GLP-1 agonists, bioidentical hormone replacement, botanical medicine, biotherapeutic drainage, detoxification, fasting, functional and specialty lab analysis, low dose immunotherapy, pharmaceutical management, bodywork (including lomi lomi, energy medicine, ito thermie), MSK PRP Prolotherapy and prolozone

Born and raised on the Big Island of Hawaii, Hana enjoys lifting weights, barefoot running, culinary arts, songwriting, and spending time with her family and friends on her homestead in North Kohala.


Clinical Nutrition

Botanical Medicine

Biotherapeutic Drainage

IV Nutritional Therapy

Heavy Metal Detoxification

PRP Prolotherapy

PRP Aesthetics

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Ozone Therapy


Low-dose Allergen (LDA) Treatments